My background in a nutshell

After an administrative/commercial training completed in 2002, I turned to the private, then public medical field. This step introduced me to the scientific research world and the academic teaching. Whereupon, following my aspirations and dreams, I took the road for a backpacking trip. Hardly back to Switzerland, that I went off again for a step-over in Cambridge, UK, that lasted several years. There I polished my English while dusting and selling secondhand books and saving wonky vegetables in gleaning operations. Then with joy and success, I took on the challenge of working as an IT coordinator/assistant buyer alongside IT engineers (who, on top of my wage, taught me the true meaning of casual Friday and after work). Back in Switzerland, I added my federal diploma of higher education as an executive assistant to the wall, while working. Since then, I am a part-time administrative coordinator at the University of Bern, in a dynamic team of pharmacists and physicians, and live with my cat in French-speaking part of Switzerland.

My value and interests

Curious minded, I work with people from all walks of life and in multiple sectors. Topics dear to my heart are among others:

  • essentialism and minimalism
  • environmental protection
  • organic and local farming
  • sustainable housing
  • new technologies
  • fight against (food)waste
  • social and solidarity economy
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